Laissez — Brett Ale with Cab Sauv

Oenobeer Wine-Beer Hybrid • Tart • Red Grape • Mineral • 7.4% abv

This single strain Brett ale is tart and full-bodied with a beautiful pink hue and fruit notes of red grape, berry and apple with a slight acidity and minerality. Brett forward with vanilla and tannins from the red wine barrels.

Made with Texas-grown and malted American pilsner malt and unmalted wheat from Black lands Malt, house-aged whole cone hops, and Vista’s own limestone-filtered well water.

It spent 12 months in freshly-emptied, 100% Touriga Nacional red wine barrels from Lewis Wines with a Brettanomyces Trois yeast strain

Laissez Faire is a French phrase meaning “let things take their own course, without interfering.” We proudly take that approach in our barrel program, letting the beer tell us when it’s ready.

YEAST:Brett Trois

HOPS: Vista House-Aged Hop Blend, Saaz

MALTS: Blacklands Malt Pilsner Malt, Blacklands Malt White Wheat

WATER: Vista’s aquifer-fed well water


Shapeshifter — Little Saison


Glen Rose — Lambic-Style with Roussanne