Le Saison — French-Style Saison

Fruity • Dry • Spice • 6.5% abv

Vista’s house saison is a French-style modelled after the classic ales of Wallonia. This brew pours a rich golden color with a frothy white head and a slight haze.  The aroma is tropical fruit, banana, clove, white pepper and honey. 

The first sip gives you classic saison flavors of bready malt, honey and white pepper.  The beer is dry with a full mouthfeel, with a good amount of ester and spiciness.

Part of Vista’s 21-acre property was used as farmland 150 years ago, and today we are once again utilizing this land again as a productive organic farm. Saisons were traditionally enjoyed by those who worked the land, and with this brew, we applaud those with their hands in the dirt, who bring fresh harvest to our tables

We call Le Saison the “universal pairing beer” as its elegance and versatility pair well with a wide variety of cuisines.

YEAST: French Saison

HOPS: Northern Brewer

MALTS: Pilsner, Malted Wheat, Flaked Oats, Malted Rye

WATER: Vista’s aquifer-fed well water


Hive Mind — Honey Ale


Twilight — Barrel Aged Brown Ale